

Welcome to my website!
DutchDreams.net is a weblog focussed on dreaming up a bright future and anticipating the long term challenges facing us.
New readers might want to check out a brief history and the power of dreams to find out more about the ideas behind his website.
Feel free to join the conversation, but please be civil.


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Revamping the site

Yes, posting has been very light to say the least. This will not improve for at least a month. Since the start of this weblog, I have been experimenting with this new medium and learning how to use it. In the process I've made a lot of mistakes and have strayed quite a bit from the original path I had in mind for DutchDreams.net. To sum things up, this site has been a "beta release" for the real thing, meant to allow me to experiment and to do things right only after a while.
So now I think the time has come for me to implement what I've learned. Next February this site will celebrate it's first birthday. I plan to have a "version 1.0" up and running somewhere that month.
What will change? The main part of this site will be dedicated to what I call dreams. Read the quote in the header or remember the famous speech by Martin Luther King. More mundane, day-to-day thoughts will probably find their place in a separate weblog. I'll also be changing the site design and maybe add some features. It's all very much a work in progress though, so I'm not yet sure how it will all turn out in the end. Suggestions on how to improve the site are of course very welcome...

Posted by rikkert in @ 16:45 | No comments / (undefined)



Mapping the global future

The National Intelligence Counsel of the US dreamed up the likely world in 2020. Read the results here (bulky pdf), over a hundred pages worth of scenarios for the future...

Posted @ 00:41 | No comments

ComTech review

The new Community Tech review is online. Lots of interesting stuff...

Posted @ 16:26 | No comments

Automotive Dreams

Tim Leuliette made an interesting speech on the future of the automobile industry, oil and the hydrogen economy.

Posted @ 00:43 | No comments

