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251 Words, posted to Old Stuff by rikkert @ 16:59

The 2004 US presidential campaign I believe is the campaign that is followed most intensively from abroad in the US history. For two reasons. One of course is to see if the controversial Mr. B. will be reelected. But there's another, more subtle reason. These elections will be a litmus test for new campaign tools made possible by ICT (as were South Korea's elections, but they had some lingual challenges hindering foreign observers). Both parties are committing a lot of resources to organize a successful grassroots campaign, aided by new ICT tools. I believe these campaigns will and should be studied intensely by political parties outside the US.

166 Words, posted to Old Stuff by rikkert @ 16:24

If as Mr. Bush tells us, the terrorists "hate freedom" and are attacking "the American way of life" (as opposed to US policy), I can but conclude that the terrorists are winning. Read the Human Rights Watch report "Enduring Freedom" for example. Or about the recent massacre of innocent civillians at Fallujah. Or perhaps about Bush's recent condonement of ethnic cleansing by the Israelies (I have now other term for the settlement policy of Israel, whatever the reasons stated for it, it is ethnic cleansing. Creating "Lebensraum" for Israel).
