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Open Source everything

I came across this article at metamute (via WorldChanging).

Openness – as an organising principle and political ideology – has become an article of faith across networked social movements. From its role as a central tenet of free and open source software production to its current popularity within activist circles, the concept of openness is attracting enthusiastic adherence. Here, as part of our series on the politics of alternative media structures, JJ King takes a less credulous view of what lies beneath the dream of organisational horizontality


More new radio

Robot Radio is also converting blogs to speech...

Radio Vox Populi

What do you get when you conbine  Perl scripts, voice synthesis software, and web services? Radio Vox Populi! Here's what they say:



There's an interesting string of posts (1, 2, 3) on about the future of media today...

What's hot on the net?

Ever wondered what issues are "hot" today? BlogPulse might be your thing then...

"BlogPulse mines for bursty phrases and person names instead of for the most popular ones. The most popular phrases and names change very slowly over time. The burstiest phrases and names are those whose frequency of occurrence has increased significantly over the past two weeks, often dramatically."

Warning: Blogs Can Be Infectious

For anyone who missed it; this article on Wired delves into "meme diffusion" on the web...

Shakespearian networking... has an interesting piece on mapping social networks in Shakespear plays.

Hydrogen power

Finally some good news on hydrogen power...


Ever wondered how libertarian you are? Do this test... I scored 82. I'm not sure what to thinkof that...

Bush ads?!?

Feel like laughing at Mr. B.?


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508 Words, posted to Old Stuff by rikkert @ 14:41

OK, I am not sure how to judge the value of this information, could be little more than unsubstantiated rumors, it's the first time I've been at Regnum Crucis... I'm not really reassured by the constant speculation on who exactly is being targetted by Pakistani (and probably US) forces. My suspicion is that everything being said about it right now is based more on wishful thinking than solid intelligence...


118 Words, posted to Old Stuff by rikkert @ 00:59

Doe mee met de grote landelijke email-actie Openheid over Irak! Ga naar, onderteken de petitie, stuur de mail door! Dit is
de vooravond van de dag waarop één jaar geleden de oorlog tegen Irak begon.
Met de actie willen de initiatiefnemers de regering onder druk zetten om
alsnog opening van zaken te geven over de informatie en afwegingen die ten
grondslag lagen aan haar besluit die oorlog te steunen. Nu de oorlog de
terroristische dreiging op onze deurmat heeft gebracht en de politiek er
niet in is geslaagd openheid te verkrijgen, eisen wij, een groeiende groep
Nederlandse burgers, de informatie zélf op. Het achterhouden van deze
wezenlijke gegevens is in strijd met de principes van een open,
democratische samenleving.

73 Words, posted to Old Stuff by rikkert @ 21:52

I love it when someone invents something we all know about, but is still useful. This time Hans Hendrikse has reinvented the weel in a very useful way (link via WorldChanging). A hollow torus that can be filled with water and can be towed by putting a rope through the hole and pulling. A nice low-tech solution to the problem of transporting water in the third world...

32 Words, posted to Old Stuff by rikkert @ 23:10

Now this is service... A couple of days ago I blogged about some features I'd like to see in my news aggregator. I've found it at XMLMania. Thanks guys...

208 Words, posted to Old Stuff by rikkert @ 17:33

I got this great link of WoldChanging. If your interested in development, Sub-Saharan Africa and their relations with communication and computation technologies, this is a *must* read. It is quite a long essay (I haven't finished it myself yet), but it's wothwhile.

296 Words, posted to Old Stuff by rikkert @ 01:49

Na de vreselijke aanslagen in Madrid vandaag speculeert iedereen al weer wild in het rond over de daders. Laat ik dat nou niet doen, ik wacht liever op wat tastbaarder informatie.

Maar na alle speculaties is er wel een andere vraag die mij bezighoud. Hoe groot is de kans op een aanslag in ons land? Hoe kwetsbaar zijn we? Ik vrees dat de antwoorden luiden: vrij groot en zeer kwestbaar.

259 Words, posted to Old Stuff by rikkert @ 23:02

Ik snap er echt niets meer van. Politiek is niet meer wat het geweest is. Ik zit net het verslag van een kamerdebat te kijken op nova, is een staatssecretaris van financien, in niet mis te verstane bewoordingen, de Tweede Kamer aan het uitleggen dat het beleid van de belastingdienst niet door de beugel kan... Een staatssecretaris die de kamer verteld dat zijn ambtenaren de wet schenden, die de kamer verteld dat dat niet door de beugel kan en vervolgens dat het al 21 jaar beleid is. En hij is nog steeds niet opgestapt.

Ministerieele verantwoordelijkheid? Nooit van gehoord....

124 Words, posted to Old Stuff by rikkert @ 02:23

That RSS feeds are a hype at the moment is nothing new, but what can we really do with this new technology? Tristan blogged a nice piece about that (I got this link of Nova's blog)...

I've been thinking on some of the same lines... By using a combination of personal and public scoring of data, an aggregator should be able to rank information of interest to me, and maybe even eliminate repeated information. Another feature I'd like is to get a daily feed of "googled" information that is deemed most relevant to me by the aggregator based on the existing criteria. This would help to account for the problem Tristan mentions about the pack mentality of blogs.

190 Words, posted to Old Stuff by rikkert @ 15:01

What does Blair do when someone informs him about climate change? Shoot the messenger...

The Brittish governments chief science adviser, Sir David King warned that global warning is a bigger threat to the country then terrorism (didn't the Pentagon say something like that recently??). Anyway, This isn't good news, so according to Blair it can't be true. Or maybe he has intelligence proving Sir King wrong?

224 Words, posted to Old Stuff by rikkert @ 00:25

The Pentagon, NASA (NASA's Icestat) and Swiss Re (the wold's second largest reinsurer) are all warning about global warming. These guys deal with facts, not fiction (well, Swiss Re certainly does), so I'd say we'd better stop debating and start dealing with the issue. I for one am (among other things) currently in the process of selecting a country I expect to benefit (or at least not suffer as much) from climate change and global warming. Living in Holland has it's disadvantages, most of it is below sealevel.

251 Words, posted to Old Stuff by rikkert @ 14:44

Saddam is gone, the US invasion of Iraq was almost a year ago. Time to look back and see just who have been proven right by history.
101 Words, posted to Old Stuff by rikkert @ 01:29

It seems obvious someone, someday, will indict Bush at the international tribunal in The Hague. On the of chance it would come to a trail and even the incarceration of mister Bush (known to some as "the big Satan", to others as "the little Satan" (Sharon seems to have past him to them...), and again to others as Mister President), shall we witnes the invasion of The Hague, ordered by President Bush III? I wonder...
Well, maybe The Hague will be flooded by then. Anyone wanting to try mr. B in The Hague should do it quickly...