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DutchDreams is a weblog focussed on dreaming up a bright future and anticipating the long term challenges facing us.
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Boris Dittrich uitgezet!

Boris Dittrich is Cuba uitgezet! LOL... Castro vond 'm niet lief, heeft zeker met ene Lodewijk de W. gepraat. In ieder geval is de schurk direct bij aankomst in de kraag gevat:
"Het drietal was naar Cuba gereisd om zich van de mensenrechtensituatie op de hoogte te stellen. Bij aankomst werd het gezelschap aangehouden."
Service toch van Castro? Heeft 'ie meteen de binnenkant van de gevangenis kunnen inspecteren. Dittrich wilde trouwens zo graag met dissidenten praten? Die zaten volgens hem toch ook in de cel? Maar dat 'ie nou dankbaar is...
"Volgens de woordvoerster van Dittrich heeft de D66-leider haar via sms'jes vanuit de cel op de hoogte gehouden van zijn situatie. Dittrich is zeer verbolgen over het incident: "Ik ben woedend. Ik heb zoiets nog nooit meegemaakt"."
Snappen jullie het?

Posted by in Old Stuff @ 16 10 04 | One comment / No trackbacks

The Wisdom of the Crowds

A while ago I wrote about the book "The Wisdom of the Crowds" and, more to the point, about the experiment "The jellybean challenge" associated with it. I wrote then the experiment would probably fail. It ran until somewhere in august, the website displays the following eversince:

"Thanks to everyone who participated in the Wisdom of Crowds jelly bean challenge. Please check back soon for the contest results."

Now publishing the result is quite an easy task, not one that would last months. So I was probably right, someone did guess the exact number of beans. They should have let someone with at least half a brain devise the experiment (or trust it to the wisdom of the crowds ofcourse ;)). Whether or not this is true, they ought to come clean.

It is a pitty though, the Wisdom of the Crowds thesis deserves better and a better experiment (one that would actually support their claim) can be easilly devised (use a billion times more beans).

Posted by in Old Stuff @ 06 10 04 | No comments / One trackback

Fighting terror at home

Countries all over the world have been beefing up their anti-terrorist policies. Lots of secret stuff, colorful codes, lots of money being thrown towards interdepartmental cooperation and communication services and the like, but have you heard anything you can do other then the vague "be alert"? David Stevenson wrote a simple 10 point plan to lead anti terrorism efforts into the 21st century.


Posted by in Blogging @ 01 10 04 | No comments / No trackbacks



Changing Opinions in a Changing World: A new perspective in Sociophysics

I found this article in the ArXiv today. In it, some applications and implications of recent advances in the reletively new field of sociophysics are discussed. This piece reminds me of a quote I once read of James Trefil:


Posted @ 27 10 04 | No comments

Conference: ICT, Knoledge society and changes in work

Perhaps readers will find this interesting:


Posted @ 26 10 04 | No comments

"Sociophysics" or complex network theory

RedNova has been so kind to write the post I was working on, introducing complex network theory or "sociophysics" to the readers of this blog. Not much depth, but a nice intro to those of you new to the subject. (via Minding the Planet)

Posted @ 21 10 04 | No comments

Organisational hierarchy in intelligence analysis

Orgnet.com has a short piece applying some of the lessons of complexity theory to organising the intelligence community.

Posted @ 20 10 04 | No comments

"Hacking democracy in the UK"

Scalefree.net points to some interesting developments in the UK, explained at perfect.co.uk. This may get interesting...

Posted @ 20 10 04 | No comments

DEMOS: Masters of the Universe

Another interesting piece of thinking from demos: Masters of the universe. Exploring the implications and possibilities coming with cheap spacetrabel.

Posted @ 13 10 04 | No comments

DEMOS: The adaptive state

Haven't read it myself yet, but this looks like an interesting piece from the demos catalog...

Posted @ 13 10 04 | No comments

Complexity Theory and the Challenges to Democracy...

Just came across this article, which looks to be a profoundly enlightening bit of thinking on important changes sweeping through our world. Perhaps I'll comment on it later...

Posted @ 10 10 04 | No comments

Internet 2.0

USA Today explores "Internet 2.0" (Via Smartmobs)

Posted @ 01 10 04 | No comments

